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  • jane anderson

The Well-Meaning Wife

Updated: Jul 6, 2020

This is not my real title but I have been called worse.

What people mean is that I am the woman who does wellbeing work in the workplace and gets staff feeling a bit happier about coming to work.

Actually I don't mind what people call me if it means they get some staff wellbeing going in their organisation and make a decent fist of it, preferably using my own Staff Wellbeing Framework model. Which works incidentally, which is why organisations use it and why I'm pitching it.

I am well-meaning too, of course, I want the best for people. Life's tough for a lot of people a lot of the time and good workplaces have the potential to ease that and improve employee performance at the same time.

I guess I am also a wife (an older 😳woman in Geordie), but a wife who takes staff wellbeing and engagement seriously. In fact I have taken staff wellbeing so seriously over the past thirty odd years of practising and researching it, I eventually evolved my own field, Place Affected Organisational Change (PAOC).

All of my staff wellbeing work involves involving employees in their own wellbeing. They are given the freedom, the boundaries and tools (the Staff Wellbeing Framework) to take ownership of it and a lot of the responsibility for it.

Because staff wellbeing these days is a partnership between the individual, the workplace and the organisation. It's not about doing it to or for people any more. Of course support is there when people need it but it's more about giving them the insight and practical means to get on with it themselves.

No involvement, no commitment, it's said. Genuine inclusion of staff in wellbeing initiatives leads to genuine staff buy-in to the same initiatives. This buy-in manifests as trust and personal investment in the workplace.

People who are invested in their job, their colleagues and their organisation are usually more engaged and more productive. They want to come to work everyday and don't want to leave their job to go to another employer. The organisation gets a reputation as a good employer and high calibre people want to come and work with you, bringing their innovation and energy.

Staff become present, productive, positive and permanent - thanks to the Staff Wellbeing Framework and employer belief and backing for employee wellbeing.

Simplistic? Yes, of course. Easy? Not always. Sustainable staff wellbeing needs constant vigilance and adjustment and can't be taken for granted. The Staff Wellbeing Framework is charter marked for just this reason. But the joy of the Staff Wellbeing Framework is that the staff is doing it for themselves. And they're enjoying it. And so is the #wellmeaningwife.

Jane Anderson PhD specialises in Sociospacial Reciprocity and Place Therapy. She's been working in wellbeing for nigh on 30 years and is especially interested in the people-place relationship and how it underpins all other aspects of staff engagement and wellbeing. Her Staff Wellbeing Framework Model is now charter-marked for quality assurance. / 07742942651

For schools: Staff Wellbeing Framework Model flyer click here

For business: Staff Wellbeing Framework Model flyer click here

Up to 40% funding towards the cost of implementing the Staff Wellbeing Framework Model and/or other JCA Consult Ltd services focusing on staff wellbeing and engagement, and retention (including coaching and mentoring) may be available to eligible organisations as I am a registered Provider for NBSL’s North East Business Support Fund helping businesses to improve their competitiveness.

For further information and to complete the 15 minute application form:

Northumberland and Tyne and Wear:

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